Thanksgiving 2017

Nov 21, 2017

We are excited to continue a series of articles that we’re sure you will find informative. The eleventh of twelve is at the bottom of this e-mail. If you missed the previous articles, please visit our website at and click on the Newsletter tab.

The 12 Most Common Direct Mail Mistakes
And How To Avoid Them

Mistake No. 11: Failing to appeal to all five senses.

Unlike an ad, which is two-dimensional, direct mail is three-dimensional and can appeal to all five senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste. Yet most users of direct mail fail to take advantage of the medium’s added dimension.
Don’t plan a mailing without at least thinking about whether you can make it more powerful by adding a solid object, fragrance or even a sound. You ultimately may reject such enhancements because of time and budget constraints. But here are some ideas you might consider:
Pop-ups. Chris Crowell, president of Essex, Conn.-based Structural Graphics Inc., says pop-ups can increase response up to 40% when compared with a conventional flat mailing. You can have a pop-up custom designed for your mailing or choose from one of many “stock” designs available.
Money. Market research firms have discovered that enclosing a dollar bill with a market research survey can increase response by a factor of five or more, even though $1 is surely of no consequence to business executives or most consumers. Has anyone tried using money to get attention in a lead-getting industrial mailing?
Sound. Have you seen the greeting cards that play a song when you open them because of an implanted chip or some similar device? I think that certainly would get attention. But as far as I know, no one has used it yet in direct mail.
Product samples. Don’t neglect this old standard. Enclose a product or material sample in your next mailing. We once did a mailing in which we enclosed a small sample of knitted wire mesh used in pollution control and product recovery. Engineers who received the mailing kept that bit of wire on their desks for months.
Premiums. An inexpensive gift such as a slide guide, measuring tape, ruler, or thermometer can still work well.
One recommendation and warning: A lot of us, including me, need to be a little more imaginative if we want our mailing package to stand out in the prospect’s crowded mailbox. At the same time, we must remember that creativity can enhance a strong selling message or idea but cannot substitute for it. As copywriter Herschell Gordon Lewis, president of Communicomp in Plantation, Fla., warns, “Cleverness for the sake of cleverness may well be a liability, not an asset.”
-Robert Bly


Now is the time to reach out to
your customer base and your prospects. Everyone enjoys receiving cards during the
Holidays and will be more likely
to open or pay attention to your mail marketing piece if it has a holiday theme. Let us help you find the right list for your mailing, or clean up your current list, before postage rates increase in January.*

Ask Cindy How!

Go to our website and click on Request a Quote or Contact Us!!

Holiday Schedule
Closed Thursday 11/23 and Friday 11/24
Closed Friday 12/22 and Monday 12/25
New Year’s
Closed Friday 12/29 and Monday 1/1/2018
*Postage rates will increase on January 21, 2018. Watch for updated rates to be released soon.
Click For Current Specials

Mail Management Group, Inc.

409 Vernon Way
El Cajon, CA 92020

Phone: 619-593-9121
Fax: 619-593-1193

“Holiday” Calendar to Use for Fun Promotions

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