We are excited to continue a series of articles that we’re sure you will find informative. The tenth of twelve is at the bottom of this e-mail. If you missed the previous articles, please visit our website atwww.mailmgmtgroup.com and click on the Newsletter tab.
We now accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover credit cards.
(Cannot be used for postage)
Mail Management group has recently partnered with Pay it Forward Processing,
a socially responsible merchant services and electronic payment solutions
company that provides ongoing fundraising for nonprofits through “Every Swipe Benefits Charity.” A portion of every swipe we process will be donated
to a non-profit that we choose that has been carefully vetted.
We are proud to be part of the Every Swipe Benefits Charity Family.
Order must be placed no later than 11/30/17.
Not valid with any other offer.

The 12 Most Common Direct Mail Mistakes
And How To Avoid Them
Mistake No. 10: Starting with the product – not the prospect
In my New York University copywriting workshop, I teach students to avoid “manufacturer’s copy”—copy that is vendor-oriented, that stresses who we are, what we do, our corporate philosophy and history, and the objectives of our firm.
You and your products are not important to the prospect. The reader opening your sales letter only wants to know, “What’s in it for me? How will I come out ahead by doing business with you vs. someone else?”
Successful direct mail focuses on the prospect, not the product. The most useful background research you can do is to ask your typical prospect, “What’s the biggest problem you have right now?” The sales letter should talk about that problem, then promise a solution.
Do not guess what is going on in industries about which you have limited knowledge. Instead, talk to customers and prospects to find out their needs. Read the same publications and attend the same seminars they do. Try to learn their problems and concerns.
Too many companies and ad agencies don’t do that. Too many copywriters operate in a black box, and doom themselves merely to recycling data already found in existing brochures.
For example, let’s say you have the assignment of writing a direct-mail package selling weed control chemicals to farmers. Do you know what farmers look for in weed control, or why they choose one supplier over another? Unless you are a farmer, you probably don’t. Wouldn’t it help to speak to some farmers and learn more about their situation?
Read, talk, and listen to find out what’s going on with your customers.
In his book “Or Your Money Back,” Alvin Eicoff, one of the deans of latenight television commercials, tells the story of a radio commercial he wrote selling rat poison. It worked well in the consumer market. But when it was aimed at the farm market, sales turned up zero.
Mr. Eicoff drove out to the country to talk with farmers. His finding? Farmers didn’t order because they were embarrassed about having a rat problem, and feared their neighbors would learn about it when the poison was delivered by mail.
He added a single sentence to the radio script, which said that the rat poison was mailed in a plain brown wrapper. After that, sales soared.
Talk to your customers. Good direct mail—or any ad copy—should tell them what they want to hear. Not what you think is important.
Now is the time to reach out to
your customer base and your prospects. Everyone enjoys receiving cards during the
Holidays and will be more likely
to open or pay attention to your mail marketing piece if it has a holiday theme. Let us help you find the right list for your mailing, or clean up your current list, before postage rates increase in January.*
Ask Cindy How!
Go to our website and click on Request a Quote or Contact Us!!
Holiday Schedule
Closed Thursday 11/23 and Friday 11/24
Closed Friday 12/22 and Monday 12/25
New Year’s
Closed Friday 12/29 and Monday 1/1/2018
*Postage rates will increase on January 21, 2018. Watch for updated rates to be released soon.