I think we can all agree that 2024 had its ups and downs. Devastating storms back East and a nation consumed by a bitterly fought election.
But nothing can compare to the start of 2025 we’re experiencing here in Southern California. The fires just North of us in the Los Angeles region are perhaps the worst we’ve ever seen.
We at Mail Management Group sincerely hope that you, your families, and your businesses are safe and unharmed and will continue to thrive again once things return to as close to normal as can be hoped for.
Our Christmas Party
Thankfully, 2025 ended on a high note for us, as our crew celebrated the Holiday Season in style. Here’s a photo of the group enjoying a fabulous luncheon where we played games and shared gifts.
Plus we were treated to a fantastic concert by our staff member Brandon Johnson. We had no idea he was such a talented saxophonist!
Click on the photo to listen in!
And Now, YOU Get to VOTE!
Yes, we are once again up for an award, and this time it’s sort of an Audience Choice Award.
It’s the East County Chamber’s Annual Honors Awards and we’ve been Nominated!
Here’s how to vote for us:
Scroll down to Category 11. Professional Services and find us there.
Voting ends Feb. 9th.
Click on the image below to learn about the Boots & Bowties Gala at the Sycuan Casino, where the award-winners will be celebrated. It promises to be a fun event!.
We hope to see you there!
Plus, click here to learn about ALL the events the Chamber has in store!
Upcoming Chamber Events
Our beloved mascot is here for the first time in 2025 with his award of a $50 Gift Certificate to The Brigantine for the lucky entrant chosen at random from those who correctly identify where he is posing for his photo this month.
Can you tell us Where’s Mongo? Just reply to this email and let us know! Good luck!
Mongo was on vacation in December, so here is a photo of our November “Where’s Mongo?” winner, Daisy Melena, General Manager of the Parkway Plaza Shopping Center in El Cajon, receiving her reward from Rachel Murany at the mall’s Christmas tree! She knew Mongo was on the Pacific Beach Boardwalk and won a $50 Gift Certificate to The Brigantine.

Have you ever heard of CALIFORNIA DAY (Feb. 22)?
How about SAFER INTERNET DAY (Feb. 10)?
Both are examples of little-known holidays you can use for mail and/or email marketing. You can send a celebratory message to a holiday’s niche market or a notice of observance to the world at large.
Mail Management Group compiles a list of such opportunities on our website. Click here to see what’s in store for the rest of January and February! When you see one you’d like to jump onto, let us know and we can help you get started.