Your name and address on your Direct Mail pieces should be kept to us, to the Post Office, and to you, yourself. The same goes for your broadcast emails.
That’s why the Data Professionals at Mail Management Group maintain the highest level of confidentiality when processing the data for your mailings and emails.
Our company has 35 years of experience in Data Processing and Personalization. You can be confident when you work with us that you will NOT be jeopardizing the security of your customers’, members’, or donors’ personal data. Or yours.

It’s simply standard operating procedure for us verify the strength of our security measures at every step of handling your Direct Marketing campaigns.
If lack of confidentiality has ever been a concern for you when having your mailers highly personalized, avoid the stress.
Call me. 619-593-9121 ext. 102. I’ll show you how we do personalization safely.
– Rachel
About the July 14th Postal Rate Increase
Are you ready for a 5-cent increase in the price of First Class Postage? It’s the highest rate increase ever, and it’ll be here in just 30 days, even though rates just went up in January!
In addition, metered 1-ounce letters will go up 5 cents from 64 cents to 69 cents.
Domestic postcards will go up 5 cents as well, from 64 cents to 69 cents.
And the additional ounce price for letters will increase from 24 cents to 28 cents.
Why the rate increases? Simple. Last November, the USPS projected a net loss of $6.5 Billion for the fiscal year as the number of pieces they handle continues to decrease as more and more people pay bills and send cards online.
That being said, we want you to know that we can help you can mitigate the effects of the increase by using data hygiene, more targeted selections, smart copy with compelling offers, and of course, personalization! In short, the more rates increase, the smarter we must be when planning our mailing campaigns.
We can still make Direct Mail the best return on your investment.
Let us show you how!
Our beloved mascot is here with his award of a $50 Gift Certificate to The Brigantine for the lucky entrant chosen at random from those who correctly identify where he is posing for his photo this month.
Can you tell us Where’s Mongo? Just reply to this and tell us! Good luck!
Congratulations to our May “Where’s Mongo?” winner!
Dan Teemsma of Ideal Plumbing, Heating, Air, & Electrical correctly found Mongo in the paddle boats at Santee Lakes and won a $50 gift certificate to the Brigantine restaurant!
Have you ever heard of Get to Know Your Customers Day?
How about National Day of the Cowboy?
Both are examples of little-known holidays you can use for mail and/or email marketing. You can send a celebratory message to a holiday’s niche market or a notice of observance to the world at large.
Mail Management Group compiles a list of such opportunities on our website. Click here to see what’s in store for July. When you see one you’d like to jump onto, let us know and we can help you get started.